The Pew Research Center creates the best data on who uses the Internet and how it’s used. The latest data (citation below) states that the Internet is now the primary source of information for local business, education and restaurants.
The survey looks at all forms of communication including television, newspapers, radio, the internet and word-of-mouth. In essence, where people get local information depends on the medium and your age.
Television news is still the top source of information on weather, breaking news and traffic.
Newspapers are the primary source for a wide variety of topics of substance
But the Internet is the first, second or third most relied upon source for 15 of the 16 local topics examined.
One astonishing fact is that nearly half of all Americans (45 percent) say that they do not have a favorite source for local news.
Nearly half of all Americans use mobile devices to get local news and information.
Social media seems to be a lousy source of local news and information; just 17 percent of adults get local information via Facebook and other sites (it’s about your friends, not news).
55 percent of adults get local news and information via word-of mouth.
Local information gathering is split by those under and over 40 (under 40 you search the Internet first—still a top news source for those over 40).
Best, Len.